March 2022


How Communication Affects Workers’ Comp Claims

Employees who face work-related illnesses and injuries often suffer subsequent stress and anxiety. Oftentimes, this stress is worsened if employers cease communicating with the employee while they’re unable to work. It is vital that employers make their employees feel appreciated and invest in their well-being. This rapport helps employees feel trusted, welcomed, and valued. As a result, employees who are

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Survey Shows many Home-Based Businesses are Vulnerable

The ongoing pandemic has forced nation-wide changes in the economic landscape of the United States. Lockdowns stalled earnings, fear of infection drove millions from the labor pool, and working from home grew exponentially. With traditional employment uncertain and inflation rising, thousands of Americans began to look for ways to increase their monthly income without unnecessary exposure. The result: an explosion

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The Employers’ Liability Aspect of Workers’ Compensation Insurance

As an employer, it’s your responsibility to make sure your workers are both healthy and safe on the job. Unfortunately, accidents can be common even in otherwise safe industries, making workers’ compensation coverage a necessity. These policies have two primary parts—Part One: Workers’ Compensation Insurance and Part Two: Employers’ Liability Insurance. This Work Comp Insights will discuss Part Two, giving

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Facilitating Company Culture in the Remote Workplace

Many companies pride themselves on their company culture—often, it may actually be a core competency and a competitive advantage. As employers broaden remote work positions to more employees than ever before, organizations might want to consider how to preserve their culture through an increasingly virtual workspace. What Is Company Culture? Company culture is the environment and personality of a business.

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